Singapore is currently set in a situation which to us, is rather annoying and health hazardous.
The yearly routine of burning of crops by the Indonesians has now set a threat to us Singaporean.

Not that I dislike them but they could have taken a tactful and thoughtful measure.
Is there no other way around? I wonder...
It's really hard for some of us who are prone to Asthma or breathing difficulties and those old folks and children are more vulnerable than the rest of us healthy ones.
I assume I'm within the healthy range with no major breathing issues but I already felt the impact from the haze. My eyes gets easily irritated, blurry vision and dry, my throat gets really sore and swallowing seems so hard, my nose got blocked every now and then, and easily have breathing difficulties. My skin became more sensitive and inflamed, breaking out like crazy.
My heart pumps faster than usual and all these to me just feels so wrong.
Wondering how does the old folks and children coping..
It was only when I saw this image circulating by the Singapore General Hospital's FB Page today:
I guess it definitely answers all my problems I'm facing right now.
My eyes, skin, heart, nose literally affected by the haze!
Just take a look at our popular landmark, Marina Bay Sands. It's so hazy that we barely see anything behind it!
(photo credit: yahoo)
And some memes I found online which really cracks me up and I hope they too make your day a little better! :)
Really creative!
The below SGAG about Hello Kitty with the Gas-mask was so hilarious and creative!
Thumbs up to the one who created this!
Many queue up at McDonald's just to purchase and bring home the Hello Kitty despite the haze PSI was in 'Very Unhealthy' level.
I mean is your health more important or queuing up at midnights, braving through the haze just to get Hello Kitty more important?
Maybe McDonald's should stop giving out Hello Kitty till the PSI reaches a healthy level.
#justsaying #itsmyopinionokay

Now back to the topic of how to take care..
1. Please, please please wear a mask!
If you manage to get a good respiratory mask such as N95 mask and BioFriend biomask then congratulations! For what I know, Masks are out of stocks in Singapore!
But do check out pharmacies, drugstores and even our local NTUC tomorrow to see if they are still available.
Do not wear facial mask please! (e.g. facial mask used by facial therapist!)
The facial mask are SO thin and doesn't filter particles well enough!
We are saying PSI: 200 or more now!
You need something with better filtration!
2. Drink at least 1-2 litre of water a day!
Drink up because you will need water to detox! By hydrating yourself with water, you are actually allowing your 'filter organs' such as liver, kidney and skin to work and cleanse away toxins for you.
Doesn't want to fall sick after breathing in haze then please drink up.
3. Stay Indoors and avoid vigorous exercise!
This is the most common sense and logical measure!
I don't get it why there are still people jogging and doing exercise along the streets in the evening with PSI: 200 or more without any mask!
You breathing what?? Haze for an Unhealthier you??
I know you want to be healthy, but at least do it right and at a right time! Do you really think by working out and exercising in the open, filled with strong smoky haze will make you a healthier person? NO!!
So do take note!
4. Wash your face, bath and keep your hygiene on checks!
Haze are made of dust and ash particles, carrying all sorts of virus and bugs along. They can stick on to your body when you walk against the haze. (*Try tissue off your face after you walk in the open, you will see that the tissue will have a slight darker brown stain on it!) You need to wash your hands more frequent to prevent the germs getting to you.
The mask I'm wearing now:
The anti-microbial/anti-viral BioFriend biomask is FDA approved that even inactivates 99.9% of pandemic influenza including H1N1 and SARS! There's many brands carrying biomask but use authentic BioFriend biomask by filligent!
- hands - equipment - surfaces
And... no, I'm not sponsored by them. I was reading and comparing specs of different mask brand and models before asking Shannon to get from his sponsor. I bought the above model and another premium one from him, tried it and it's good!
Usual respiratory mask can block up to 90-95% of smallest particles in the air. But this not only blocks, it inactivates 99.9% of the pandemic influenza. Which means if you get cold easily by sitting close to someone who sneeze, wearing this mask will help to kill that virus before it even gets near the mask. That's one thing that attracts me! :)
If you do have N95 mask or similar, please use first and don't stock up!
Any mask that can block 90-95% of smallest dust particles and virus molecules are good enough.
But don't reuse them when soiled, discard and get a new one!
I will be going around giving out BioFriend biomask to the needy ones (the poor, old folks, orphans and etc) with Shannon aka Mr Style King tomorrow onwards.
you know someone who needs it (e.g. old folks who stays alone), please drop a comment in this post or
alternatively, email me their details. I will try to get in touch
with them asap.
This haze won't be going off so fast, so please take care everyone and stay healthy!
Do check out this haze-related link created by our government for more updates:
The people of Singapore and all Singaporean Business Owners in Indonesia should just stop buying all Indonesian products... Why should we be giving them excuses to kill us as well as take our money??? I'm stopping the use of all Indonesian products in my company and I feel all Singaporean should too....