Hey yo!
Just to share something I just read online and I find it interesting for the ladies out there! :)
I chanced upon this article while going through Lollipop.sg and what really makes my eyes pop was the magazine below!
I should go to the nearest Kinokuniya to buy it!
Alot of times girls was mistaken to do plastic surgery or doing too much Photoshopping on one's selca.
But do you know that it just takes the right tools and make-up skills to achieve your desired look?
Are you curious how the ordinary looking girls can transform into gyaru or gals with just the right make-up tools and tricks?
We all know that having parallel lids are one of the best eye lids that one can have and for those who desire to have double eye lids such as parallel lids can easily use double eye lid stickers/tape, fiber or glue to create your desired eye look.
Eyelid Stickers/Tapes/Fiber
There are all sorts of eyelid tapes/stickers in the market. The usual ones are the transparent matte, skin colored, shiny transparent, black matte and so on..
*Mine is tapered and I usually prefer the transparent matte ones because it is able to 'camouflage' after applying eye make-ups and also creating the parallel eyelid look! (That's my own preference!)
The Micro Fiber is also one of the most popular 'tool' to create the double eyelid and it's very natural too!
Whatever you use, so long as you are doing it right, it will work for you. :)
I know of some people who have mono lids and when they apply their falsies (fake eye lashes), it somehow 'forced' the double eye lid to appear and creates a really natural double eye lid look!
P.s: This post is not an ad at all. The above product images are from google and I grab them as an example for you sweeties! Also, the magazine images are from lollipop.sg! It's my interest in makeup and just want to share it with you lovelies out there!
Make up doesn't just have strict rules or skills.
No man have the same eyes so the best way to create your desired eye look is practice and more practice! Buy make up magazines and study how they create the look and try it on yourself. Find the model's eyes closest to your eye shape and explore. That's what I do when I was a make-up artist. :)
*Gotta go and grab that magazine! hurhur! :)
micro fibre is 1 of my favourite.. u can get from sasa