Directed by: TSAI Yueh-hsun 蔡岳勋
Starring : Mark CHAO 趙又廷 , LIN Gengxin 林更新, HUANG Bo 黃渤
Genre Action/Police/Comedy
Starring : Mark CHAO 趙又廷 , LIN Gengxin 林更新, HUANG Bo 黃渤
Genre Action/Police/Comedy

Brought along Melvin to catch this action-packed movie.

It was held at Vivocity, Golden Village Cinema and was super glad to see friends watching the same movie too!

We were treated some 'eye-candy' as the Director and the Main actor came in to the cinema to share a little of this movie.

If you did not know, BLACK AND WHITE: THE DAWN OF JUSTICE was actually a second prequel of the 2009 Taiwan TV series which stars Mark Chao and Vic Chou.
This time, only Mark returns to the big screen and with his new annoying yet funny partner, starred by Lin Geng-Xin, to battle with time and the Mastermind from destroying the Harbor City and save the innocents.
Mark CHAO 趙又廷
In this movie, he's more of the action-packed kinda police officer compared to his 'self-proclaimed' partner, Lin Geng-Xin. Acting as Wu Ying Xiong, he fights hard to find out the mastermind in order to bring peace to the citizens of Harbor City.
LIN Gengxin 林更新
The annoying 'self-proclaimed partner' to Wu ying xiong. But he's super cute in this movie.
If you are wondering why he look so familiar, Lin is known for his role in Scarlet Heart, 步步惊心, the14th son of the Kangxi Emperor.
In this movie, he's smart and many a times, you'll find him rather adorable. The way he interacts with Mark Chao will definitely makes you laugh.
He's super funny when he's interacting with Mark Chao in the movie.
Melvin was telling me that he was one of THE Best Actor in China!
After watching this movie and some movies he acted previously, I understand why.
TSAI Yueh-hsun 蔡岳勋
The director also starred in this movie too. Keep your eyes glued to the screen and see if you can figure out which actor is him. He's really good I must say.
Really worked for this movie.
[Zerika-says: Rate: 4/5]
I'm really surprised I actually DID enjoy this movie ALOT!
It's a combination of Action, many Laughter and some parts you will just get sentimental.
I'm not really an action-packed movie kinda person but it was like as if you're literally IN the movie with them.
You'll laugh at silly remarks exchanged between the actors and curious for the next move.
Go watch it!
It's good! :)
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Cathay Cineplexes:
Thanks Taiwan Beer SG once again! <3
Till then,
Book your tickets here:
Golden Village:
Cathay Cineplexes:
Thanks Taiwan Beer SG once again! <3
Till then,
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